Email marketing is something that should certainly be a significant element within your online marketing tactics, and as long as it is done correctly, it truly has the ability to be extremely effective with a high return on investment. It also has the ability to work in combination with your SEO strategies. The secret is that it has to be done right; and so many businesses do it so wrong. So, if you’re interested in generating new leads (who isn’t?) while revamping your email strategies to further your SEO and entire marketing plan, it is time to listen up and learn the ropes of proper email marketing.

The Direct Marketing Association studies show that the return on investment from email marketing is approximately $40 for every dollar spent.

HubSpot, on the other hand, shows that your email subscriber list actually degrades by 22% each year. HubSpot did go on to say that the reasons for the decrease in email subscribers is a result of job change, abandoned accounts and unsubscriptions.

While these two statics may seem like an oxymoron, it does definitive proof that; 1) email marketing can be incredibly effective, and 2) email marketing is something that you must do correctly in order to receive continuous benefits, and this is exactly how SEO comes into play.

3 of The Most Effective Ways To Collect Email Subscribers

Whether you are new to the email marketing strategy, are starting over from scratch or simply revision your approach to maximize on the benefits, there are 3 ways that you can increase the amount of email subscribers that you have. They are as follows:

  1. Registration upon purchasing a product (a huge benefit for eCommerce sites)
  1. Registration pages all over your website, preferably with an offer that encourages your audience
  1. Online events, such as webinars


Things To Do To Enhance Your Email Marketing

Once you have people subscribed to your content, you need to be able to keep them there – especially with HubSpot declaring a 22% decrease each year. Here are some things to consider.

Reach Your Current and Potential Customers

It is no secret that people spend a significant amount of time on the internet, and more so on their mobile devices than ever before. Now, a lot of mobile internet usage is spent in one’s inbox because people are checking their email regularly. After all, with a swipe upwards with your thumb for a reload, why not, right? Email is one of the best ways to get your message delivered; to reach your customers – old, new and potential.

Produce High Quality, Targeted Content

Content is key, and quickly becoming a vital part in SEO practices. Without content, you aren’t able to provide your customers with what they probably signed up to your email subscription for. With that said though, your content can be something you whipped together just to provide. It must be of high quality, relatable and targeted to your audience. As long as you’re producing things that your customers want to see, they should remain on your email list and may even be encouraged to share your content with others and the beneficial cycle begins.

Different Content for Different People

Many businesses produce one email for all of their clients but this isn’t always the best approach. Offering different types of services that your customers can subscribe to may be key. For example; whether they want all updates, just blog posts pertaining to one subject, or a combination of things. Offering more detailed and specific email subscriptions can increase the amount of people that sign up, and the more relevant the information is that you’re providing, the more likely it is to get shared. However, it is then absolutely vital that you don’t confuse the different categories of subscribers.

Offer Opportunities To Opt For Emails

A surefire way to get your email subscription offer out there without spamming your website is to provide an option for your customers to opt in at the end of your content. This could be at the end of a blog post, video service page or even on your social media accounts. It’s just a simple way to basically say, “Hey! You can get information sent directly to you!”

People Love Free Things

We cannot stress it enough; giveaways are the golden goddess of receiving what you want from your customers. People love free things. There are many ways in which you can use this to your advantage within your email marketing strategy. One of the easiest things is to offer free product to those that sign up for your email subscription. Mind you, this can get expensive if you have thousands of people opting in. To lower the costs and items you’re giving away for free, you could also host a giveaway to those who sign up, or even just a random one of the month to simply thank your customers. People love free stuff, and they love to feel appreciated.

Add An Overlay

When it comes to finding new ways to improve the conversion rate of your website, there are many forms of technologies to use, such as Bounce Exchange and SumoMe. Such services can actually enhance the conversion of your site by a couple of percentages. This is absolutely incredible, especially in paid programs, and you can actually see the true return of investment!

So, don’t only think about those SEO’s rules and guidelines to enhance your ranking. There is a lot of “outside of the box” tactics you can practice that focus on your content and audience which is very white hat SEO savvy. Google loves high quality content now, and email marketing is a surefire way to receive maximum benefits from your audience. You just have to make sure that you do it right because no one likes their inbox being filled with spam emails filled with content that no one wants to read. Who knew that email marketing could go hand-in-hand with SEO? Now you do.