
Google’s Phantom 2 Places Praises The Best Websites and Content

The latest update from Google is here and it’s official; as of April 29th, the Phantom is changing the kind of content websites are providing… after originally being planned for release back in 2013. This is long overdue! The name of this Google algorithm update, Phantom 2 has the […]

How to Test Your Website for Responsive Design

With the very first responsive web design being introduced in 2010, it’s safe to say that this style of websites has certainly taken off in popularity. Apple launched the highly sought after mobile tablet devices called iPads which completely changed the way that we use the web today, and […]

Email Marketing Does Play a Part in your SEO

Email marketing is something that should certainly be a significant element within your online marketing tactics, and as long as it is done correctly, it truly has the ability to be extremely effective with a high return on investment. It also has the ability to work in combination with […]

Mobile Friendly Websites Are Getting Google’s Praise starting April 21st



Google has taught you a lot, and the truth is that if you aren’t staying up to date with their information, you’re missing out on the most optimal experience that can be provided from a search engine. Since there is a […]

Your Site Speed is Sacrificing Your Success

Just because you have a visually appealing, SEO-rich website doesn’t always mean that you’re seen as high-ranking worthiness in Google’s eye. Many people forget about one of the important ranking factors out there; site speed, and although it isn’t as vital as some of the other 200 plus ranking […]

Are Your Tweets Enhancing Your Google SEO Ranking?

Two of the most powerful Internet Gurus have collaborated to take over the industry even more than they already have. Google, the lord of search engines and the master of Social Media, Twitter, are changing things up a bit to better the results for everyone – pun intended. Twitter […]

All You Need For Your Onsite SEO Marketing Regime

Without utilizing SEO practices on your website, you’re selling your success short. Google is basically the God of the Internet as they have completely transformed the online marketing industry with their consistent algorithm updates, tactics and tools used to engage viewership and traffic to your website. Now, the thing […]

Don’t Hire Just a Marketer – Hire a Modern Marketer To Tear Up The Industry

Forget the car salesmen tactics because things have changed within the industry that will significantly improve your business as a marketer; as long as you’re utilizing the newfound information, that is. Previously, marketing tactics have continued to be fairly straight forward for years, but with the modern world of […]

The Dreadful Truth about SEO

The power of SEO has taken over the industry, and despite being able to read an overload of articles pertaining to this subject online, SEO really isn’t all that simple. In fact, it’s risky business that is super complex, and that also comes with a variety of factors to […]

Google in your TV

If you loved the Android brand before, you’re about to have your gamer thumbs, channel-changing fingers shake with excitement because 2015 is bringing a whole new era of technology. Currently, Android offers a variety of gadgets available for the car, on your wrist, in your hands and soon enough, […]


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