Carlos Caneja

About Carlos Caneja

With nearly two decades of career experience in IT and online commerce, West Palm Beach-based Carlos Caneja currently serves as President of britecode. Since its founding in 2010, the company offers customized, cutting-edge strategies to help clients achieve their goals—including branding, web design & development, SEO and online marketing. His company’s sophisticated strategies and unique understanding of client goals is driven by a one-on-one customer service-driven mandate, utilizing approaches that are fit best for every individual client. Carlos’ mantra for britecode: “Open dialogue is a must when working with our clients, as positive input helps us better understand what they want from each project. It’s how we’re able to consistently deliver results that amaze and impress our clients.” He previously worked for 11 years as COO with Applied Innovations, which provides a wide range of enterprise-grade Windows Hosting services to the online marketplace.

Google’s Phantom 2 Places Praises The Best Websites and Content

The latest update from Google is here and it’s official; as of April 29th, the Phantom is changing the kind of content websites are providing… after originally being planned for release back in 2013. This is long overdue! The name of this Google algorithm update, Phantom 2 has the […]

How to Test Your Website for Responsive Design

With the very first responsive web design being introduced in 2010, it’s safe to say that this style of websites has certainly taken off in popularity. Apple launched the highly sought after mobile tablet devices called iPads which completely changed the way that we use the web today, and […]

Email Marketing Does Play a Part in your SEO

Email marketing is something that should certainly be a significant element within your online marketing tactics, and as long as it is done correctly, it truly has the ability to be extremely effective with a high return on investment. It also has the ability to work in combination with […]

Mobile Friendly Websites Are Getting Google’s Praise starting April 21st



Google has taught you a lot, and the truth is that if you aren’t staying up to date with their information, you’re missing out on the most optimal experience that can be provided from a search engine. Since there is a […]

Your Site Speed is Sacrificing Your Success

Just because you have a visually appealing, SEO-rich website doesn’t always mean that you’re seen as high-ranking worthiness in Google’s eye. Many people forget about one of the important ranking factors out there; site speed, and although it isn’t as vital as some of the other 200 plus ranking […]

Are Your Tweets Enhancing Your Google SEO Ranking?

Two of the most powerful Internet Gurus have collaborated to take over the industry even more than they already have. Google, the lord of search engines and the master of Social Media, Twitter, are changing things up a bit to better the results for everyone – pun intended. Twitter […]

All You Need For Your Onsite SEO Marketing Regime

Without utilizing SEO practices on your website, you’re selling your success short. Google is basically the God of the Internet as they have completely transformed the online marketing industry with their consistent algorithm updates, tactics and tools used to engage viewership and traffic to your website. Now, the thing […]

Don’t Hire Just a Marketer – Hire a Modern Marketer To Tear Up The Industry

Forget the car salesmen tactics because things have changed within the industry that will significantly improve your business as a marketer; as long as you’re utilizing the newfound information, that is. Previously, marketing tactics have continued to be fairly straight forward for years, but with the modern world of […]

The Dreadful Truth about SEO

The power of SEO has taken over the industry, and despite being able to read an overload of articles pertaining to this subject online, SEO really isn’t all that simple. In fact, it’s risky business that is super complex, and that also comes with a variety of factors to […]

Google in your TV

If you loved the Android brand before, you’re about to have your gamer thumbs, channel-changing fingers shake with excitement because 2015 is bringing a whole new era of technology. Currently, Android offers a variety of gadgets available for the car, on your wrist, in your hands and soon enough, […]

britecode Carlos Caneja | britecode - Part 3

Carlos Caneja

The latest update from Google is here and it’s official; as of April 29th, the Phantom is changing the kind of content websites are providing… after originally being planned for release back in 2013. This is long overdue! The name of this Google algorithm update, Phantom 2 has the internet industry stirring, eager to stay on top of Google’s ever-changing regulations, and of course, they’re rankings! Now, these changes are specific to the content quality of your site, and there’s no need for you to panic. Following this new update is so easy, and even easier if you’ve already been producing high quality content for your site, which you really should have been doing anyway.  However, it is highly recommended that you still take the tie to find out what is different with the Phantom 2 from the previous Panda and Penguin updates, and more importantly, find out how it will affect your website and the quality of your content.

Google Wants The Best

One must always keep in mind that there are copious amounts of elements that Google uses for ranking, and this one is said to be a calling for quality, placing high importance on the quality of the content that you provide. In other words, your website should really provide an optimal user experience, and Google is giving ranking kudos to those that do just that. This could also be why they recently placed emphasis on responsive design websites as well. It all makes sense because high quality content is a win-win for everyone – the website owner, the users, marketers and advertisements and of course, Google. So, if you produce thin content with not much substance or utilize some sort of bots, you could be in trouble. Google is narrowing in on its target.

How to Have a High-Quality Website

In short, it doesn’t take much to have sufficient quality that Google won’t be disappointed with. Some things to take into consideration is to ensure that your website is well-organized and easy for your users to navigate through. The URL that you use, as well as your site’s loading speed should also be of priority because Google will certainly dock those that don’t follow. As mentioned previously, responsive web design is also a huge bonus and plus in the eyes of Google (and your viewers), and lastly, content. Never underestimate your content – especially now with the Phantom update.

quality-control-571148_1280The Basics of High-Quality Content

It’s very easy to produce high quality information. You just have to accompany it with relevant images, and, at best, custom-designed infographics that are, of course, also relevant.  The content should also be formed around excellent keywords specific to your niche and what the user is looking for, and the content should be natural – not robotic or too rehearsed. However, that’s not to mention that sometimes ‘thin content’ seems realistic. For example; if you’re advertising your carpentry services on your website, it would make sense to have simple, straight forward sentences such as “I am a carpenter and ready to take on any task you have”. Knowing how to enhance this will come with great benefits. Try to add in your geological location and incorporate content that is going to be helpful to those looking to do some carpentry in their home. Remember, Google is all about websites providing the best user experience, so even if you can provide simple and basic content, elaborate. That is the key.

Is Your Content Good?

An easy way to check out how good the quality of your website is, take a look at your Google Analytics and measure the audiences’ engagement. Look for the time that is spent on the site, a low bounce rate and even how many times the content gets shared. If your numbers have significantly taken a drop lately, your Google Analytics are another place to look to see why the sudden change. It could mean that the quality of your content has to be enhanced.

Practice the Google Quality Guidelines

As a website owner, you should know and practice the Google Guidelines like its your bible.  Here are some very important things to remember that are specific to ensuring that you are producing high quality content on your website.

Re-Read Your Content

It’s easy to write a piece and think it’s flawless, but you’ll be surprised at how many errors can be found in your content. Go over everything that you write – at least once. As for the content that you already have produced and published, look over that as well. Scan over your homepage and if you don’t have much information (or SEO practices infused on the main page), it is something to consider. Remember, Google wants the best user experience. There are only basics, so take the time to read, understand and follow Google’s quality outlines. This is a surefire way to see how Google separates good quality from the rest.

No Shortcuts

It can be easy to want to bust out content infused with SEO, but Google is catching on to these things. You really need to forget about the shortcuts and invest the time to creating content that is informative and that the audience wants to receive. As mentioned previously, unnatural sounding content is not favored by Google. So, try to flip the switch a bit and see yourself as a view of your website. Would you find the information on your website useful, sharable and make you want to come back? If not, you may want to go back up to the “re-read your content” step and revamp your content, and avoid shortcuts in the future so that you don’t have to waste time going back and fixing everything once again.

Luckily, this new Google algorithm update is so easy to comply with. You just have to provide content that is good; that makes people want to read and share and visit your site again. No more bots, or generic information. Do the work and Google will reward you, thanks to the Phantom 2.

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With the very first responsive web design being introduced in 2010, it’s safe to say that this style of websites has certainly taken off in popularity. Apple launched the highly sought after mobile tablet devices called iPads which completely changed the way that we use the web today, and the way in which we communicate with one another. Things have definitely changed within the technology industry, and since the big peak of success with responsive design, it has only become much more widespread. Despite it’s popularity, many people actually have no idea what this term means, and focus solely on having a website that works properly. They don’t necessarily place importance on hyperlinks that can link to other pages with more specific information, or even on coding and imagery that takes too long to download. People just want to design a fast loading page that is easy to use, but very rarely do they know that they can still get that and so much more with a responsive design. Let’s take a look at your web design and see how we can improve it’s responsive design.

Ranking with a Mobile Responsiveness

When it comes to investing time and design into your website, you always need to keep Google’s guidelines for ranking close in mind, and your mobile responsiveness is a ranking component. Only recently, Google announced that whether or not your website is user-friendly when viewed on mobile devices will be a ranking factor. So, as of April 21st, if you haven’t been placing importance, you may start seeing your Google search engine ranking taking a plunge which is never a good thing. This update has been nicknamed Mobilegeddon, and it’s so vital to your success that it has made news all over the world. To get you on the the ride, you need to first test the mobile responsiveness of your website, and find out what you can do to enhance it.

What Is a Good Responsive Design?

macbook-606763_1280 One of the biggest benefits of having a responsive design is that your website will automatically adapt to all different screen sizes and resolutions. Simply put, regardless of the device that you’re using, responsive design will ensure that you have optimal usability with all the functions working efficiently and properly – or in other words, the same, on each device. So, for example your menu bar or social media sharing buttons you see when using a desktop won’t disappear when viewed from a mobile device, tablet or something else.


You Need a Responsive Website

Everyone benefits from having a responsive design website; both the site owner and the viewers. If you don’t currently pay close attention to the information provided in Google Analytics, there’s no better time to start doing the opposite because with the data, you can find out how many people are visiting your site from specific devices, such as a mobile device or tablet, and you can also see how long they spend on your site. If the majority of mobile device users aren’t staying longer than a couple seconds or a minute, you may have just found the problem – you don’t have a responsive design website. Some Analytic settings also allow you to see how many of those users go on to purchase something from the site or join your mailing list. This is all important information to pay attention to at all times, but it could really be all you need to convince you that you need a responsive website.

Check your Google Analytics by going to the site, click on the site you wish to review, then select Audience > Mobile > Overview.

Somethings to check out include; Bounce Rate, Pages/Session, Avg Session Duration and Goal Conversion Rate.  If your numbers are much lower than those associated with desktop usage, there’s one way to fix that, and it’s with a responsive design website because the data is telling you that people viewing your site on tablet and mobile devices are not receiving the best experience.

It’s Time To Test Your Site for Mobile Responsiveness

If you are unsure as to whether or not your website is mobile responsive, there are some tests and tools that you can do online that will see how your website runs and appears on mobile devices. However, let’s first focus on the simplest of tests to see if responsive design is definitely the issue. If you’re on a desktop, load your site that you want to test and make the browser narrower by dragging the bottom corner. If your website is responsive, the elements of the page will adjust so that they are still there. You just may have to scroll to see them. If you’re on a mobile device, go to the site that you want to test and see how it loads. If it takes a long time or if it looks exactly the same way as your desktop version (not shrunken down so you will likely have to do copious amounts of scrolling to see the entire thing), then you don’t have a responsive design. Everything should collapse to minimize the scrolling from left to right, allowing you to see everything as you scroll down.

Testing Multiple Devices With Online Emulators

Running simple tests is an excellent option to see if your site is responsive or not, but with the massive amounts of tech devices out there, from iPads to Google Tablets, Androids, iPhones and so much more, you want to be sure that your site appears properly across all of them. Here are some websites to use to test the performance of your website.


With this website, you can test your site with 6 popular mobile devices, such as the iPhone 5, and Google Nexus. All you have to do is click on the device you want to test, enter the URL of your website and within a couple of seconds, you’ll have your results with page links and other data, allowing you to browse the site via the emulator.


This emulator focuses mainly on Apple products, but does include some Android machines. The benefit of this website is that you don’t have to test each device individually. You just enter the URL, and scroll through the data provided.

Am I  Responsive

The process is similar with this website; enter the URL and receive the results. However, you don’t have to scroll as the data for the generic devices are right at the top and you can click each to see more specific information and use the site as normal.

Google’s Mobile Friendly Test

Of course, Google offers a testing tool as well and since Google’s regulations basically rule the internet, you can’t go wrong with this.  It’s called Google Mobile Testing Tool and the process is simple to follow.

What do I do Next? mobile-722946_640

If you site shows that works across all devices, you’re good and there’s no need for you to do anything. However, if your site doesn’t work, there are a variety of options that you have. The first is to convert your website to a responsive one which can be very hard or very simple to do. So, definitely do your research and find a responsive theme. You can also opt for a mobile theme. Although, it will make your website responsive on mobile devices as well, you still aren’t considering tablets and other viewing devices out there. You can also redesign your site to have a mobile responsive theme from scratch. Although timely and not always the most affordable option, you can ultimately achieve the best results with this option.

Once Your Website is Responsive

So, you have selected and option and made your website responsive. Now, you have to test it. Some things to pay attention to is whether your website is easy for users to use, is the content easy to read and is it easy for the users to find and follow your Calls to Action? Give your site a detailed once-over as if you were an ordinary user yourself. Go through different pages and elements and fix any problems that you come across.

Google making the changes to place emphasis on websites that are responsive is truly a win-win for everyone. In fact, some even say that it is long overdue and since it is beneficial for everyone – from the designers and theme builders, to the website owners and users and everyone in between. With so many websites not being responsive, jumping on this trend can boost your ratings in Google and send you record-hitting traffic.

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Email marketing is something that should certainly be a significant element within your online marketing tactics, and as long as it is done correctly, it truly has the ability to be extremely effective with a high return on investment. It also has the ability to work in combination with your SEO strategies. The secret is that it has to be done right; and so many businesses do it so wrong. So, if you’re interested in generating new leads (who isn’t?) while revamping your email strategies to further your SEO and entire marketing plan, it is time to listen up and learn the ropes of proper email marketing.

The Direct Marketing Association studies show that the return on investment from email marketing is approximately $40 for every dollar spent.

HubSpot, on the other hand, shows that your email subscriber list actually degrades by 22% each year. HubSpot did go on to say that the reasons for the decrease in email subscribers is a result of job change, abandoned accounts and unsubscriptions.

While these two statics may seem like an oxymoron, it does definitive proof that; 1) email marketing can be incredibly effective, and 2) email marketing is something that you must do correctly in order to receive continuous benefits, and this is exactly how SEO comes into play.

3 of The Most Effective Ways To Collect Email Subscribers

Whether you are new to the email marketing strategy, are starting over from scratch or simply revision your approach to maximize on the benefits, there are 3 ways that you can increase the amount of email subscribers that you have. They are as follows:

  1. Registration upon purchasing a product (a huge benefit for eCommerce sites)
  1. Registration pages all over your website, preferably with an offer that encourages your audience
  1. Online events, such as webinars


Things To Do To Enhance Your Email Marketing

Once you have people subscribed to your content, you need to be able to keep them there – especially with HubSpot declaring a 22% decrease each year. Here are some things to consider.

Reach Your Current and Potential Customers

It is no secret that people spend a significant amount of time on the internet, and more so on their mobile devices than ever before. Now, a lot of mobile internet usage is spent in one’s inbox because people are checking their email regularly. After all, with a swipe upwards with your thumb for a reload, why not, right? Email is one of the best ways to get your message delivered; to reach your customers – old, new and potential.

Produce High Quality, Targeted Content

Content is key, and quickly becoming a vital part in SEO practices. Without content, you aren’t able to provide your customers with what they probably signed up to your email subscription for. With that said though, your content can be something you whipped together just to provide. It must be of high quality, relatable and targeted to your audience. As long as you’re producing things that your customers want to see, they should remain on your email list and may even be encouraged to share your content with others and the beneficial cycle begins.

Different Content for Different People

Many businesses produce one email for all of their clients but this isn’t always the best approach. Offering different types of services that your customers can subscribe to may be key. For example; whether they want all updates, just blog posts pertaining to one subject, or a combination of things. Offering more detailed and specific email subscriptions can increase the amount of people that sign up, and the more relevant the information is that you’re providing, the more likely it is to get shared. However, it is then absolutely vital that you don’t confuse the different categories of subscribers.

Offer Opportunities To Opt For Emails

A surefire way to get your email subscription offer out there without spamming your website is to provide an option for your customers to opt in at the end of your content. This could be at the end of a blog post, video service page or even on your social media accounts. It’s just a simple way to basically say, “Hey! You can get information sent directly to you!”

People Love Free Things

We cannot stress it enough; giveaways are the golden goddess of receiving what you want from your customers. People love free things. There are many ways in which you can use this to your advantage within your email marketing strategy. One of the easiest things is to offer free product to those that sign up for your email subscription. Mind you, this can get expensive if you have thousands of people opting in. To lower the costs and items you’re giving away for free, you could also host a giveaway to those who sign up, or even just a random one of the month to simply thank your customers. People love free stuff, and they love to feel appreciated.

Add An Overlay

When it comes to finding new ways to improve the conversion rate of your website, there are many forms of technologies to use, such as Bounce Exchange and SumoMe. Such services can actually enhance the conversion of your site by a couple of percentages. This is absolutely incredible, especially in paid programs, and you can actually see the true return of investment!

So, don’t only think about those SEO’s rules and guidelines to enhance your ranking. There is a lot of “outside of the box” tactics you can practice that focus on your content and audience which is very white hat SEO savvy. Google loves high quality content now, and email marketing is a surefire way to receive maximum benefits from your audience. You just have to make sure that you do it right because no one likes their inbox being filled with spam emails filled with content that no one wants to read. Who knew that email marketing could go hand-in-hand with SEO? Now you do.

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Google has taught you a lot, and the truth is that if you aren’t staying up to date with their information, you’re missing out on the most optimal experience that can be provided from a search engine. Since there is a significant increase in people using their mobile devices to access webpages, chances are that you too, pull out your phone to find the latest information. You’ve probably also been frustrated with not being able to find relevant and/or timely results because not all webpages are mobile-friendly. What’s worse is when you can’t even find the information you’re searching for. Google has launched two new changes that will help users find more mobile-friendly webpages, and whether you’re the one searching for some content, or a company providing it, these important changes are definitely worth listening to.

 Change #1: Mobile Friendly Ranking

Google has a lot to do with the ranking within search engine results. As of April 21, they will be placing importance on how mobile-friendly a website is. As a result, businesses that provide a webpage that is up to date with mobile-use will have a better SEO ranking, and users will then be able to find such companies that provide relevant content. Google also provides a guide to help businesses provide a mobile-friendly webpage. Their webmaster tool also offers you the option to test just how mobile friendly your site is.



Change #2: App Content Ranking

Google will now be using information from indexed apps to help determine the ranking for signed-in users that have the application installed. This change is effective right now. What this means for you is that Google will be able to find app content that is relevant to what the user is searching for. Again, giving businesses a better ranking in the search engines and providing users with more relevant information from their searches. If App indexing is all new to you, then it is highly recommended to check out Google’s easy-to-follow guide that will teach you how to apply App indexing.


Google is constantly changing things up, but it’s always for the better of businesses and the users of its search engine. This leaves those search results (and company webpages) that don’t place importance on their online marketing strategy and customers’ experience in the dust… Or at the very least, further in the search engine results.

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Just because you have a visually appealing, SEO-rich website doesn’t always mean that you’re seen as high-ranking worthiness in Google’s eye. Many people forget about one of the important ranking factors out there; site speed, and although it isn’t as vital as some of the other 200 plus ranking factors, this element of your webpage shouldn’t be ignored. If you’re not sure where your website’s speed is, you can utilize Google’s free tools that allow you to test your pages for both desktop and mobile use. More importantly, it’ll provide you with suggestions as to how to enhance your website’s performance.   Here is everything you need to know, whether you’re starting from the bottom up or already have a developed webpage and need to optimize it’s speed.

 Performance Reflects Your Stats and Ranking

Your sites overall performance is a key factor in how Google ranks your website. If your landing page isn’t working effectively and quickly, your ranking is jeopardized, but what most people don’t know is that your Ad Rank and advertising costs are also going to be affected. With a slow website, people are likely to click that “back” button that gets them away from your website, and Google’s sees this as a poor user experience, which hurts your conversion rate.

Stats That Makes Sense

What does this all mean? The following stats should will show you just how important your user’s experience is, not only in the eyes of Google but also in the eyes of your success.


  • 47% of consumers expect a webpage to load within 2 seconds or less.
  •  40% of consumers will leave a website if it takes longer than 3 seconds to load.
  •  People expect webpages to load just as fast on their mobile devices as they do on a desktop.
  • Estimates show that even a 1 second delay in site speed can result in a 7% lower conversion.


 Suggestions for Site’s Speed

There are a variety of suggestions you should work through to ensure that your website’s speed is working to its fastest possibility. These factors are as basic as selecting high quality website hosting, as complex as website design and everything in between like modifying your caching system. First, take advantage of Google’s tools; Pingdom and Pagespeed Insights to see where your site’s speed is at, and then work through these suggestions to enhance it.

 Check the Charts

Google offers many charts that show you vital information pertaining to the performance and success of your website. One of them combines the two and will show you the relationship between your slow website and user experience. Sometime as little as a large file can truly slow down the entire website significantly which decreases the user experience, but you’ll also be able to see how many of them wait to receive the content you provide.

 Website Design

Your website design can also play a huge part is slowing things down. While designing your very own website from ground up is a proud moment, investing in a web designer that knows how to create an incredible website and simplified coding that is timely. They’ll also be able to inform you if your web pages are just too busy, and as such, will be able to simplify that as well.

 File Sizes

To instantly decrease the amount of time that is spent loading your website, try to reduce the size of images. This is actually a fairly easy process and there are many tools out there to get your images smaller without jeopardizing the appearance of them, or sacrificing your website’s visual appearance as a whole.

 High Quality Hosting

While you don’t have to purchase the most expensive hosting service out there, the cheapest really isn’t going to cut it today. You get what you pay for, so always choose hosting from a reputable company, and more importantly, one that is appropriate for the type of website and technology you are using.

These changes could be very simple for you to implement, or timely or costly depending on how severe your site’s speed is suffering, and although this is only a minor ranking factor within Google’s ranking regime, it shouldn’t be overlooked.  Your user experience is a huge component to your success, and if everyone is clicking off of your website within seconds because it won’t load, your webpage really isn’t serving its purpose anyway, right?

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Two of the most powerful Internet Gurus have collaborated to take over the industry even more than they already have. Google, the lord of search engines and the master of Social Media, Twitter, are changing things up a bit to better the results for everyone – pun intended. Twitter and Google have reestablished their agreement to allow tweets to appear within the Google search results, but what does this all mean for you and your online marketing regime? The power of SEO is no longer limited to your website and content; and the benefits of utilizing social media is about to get even more extreme.

 The Key is to Engagement and Interact

Social media is all about engaging your audience with consistent interaction. Now, you could tweet all day but if you aren’t providing 150-character updates geared towards your specific audience, they won’t work their magic. So, you really have to think about your audience (customers) and what information they’re looking for from your social media updates. Better yet; think about what they might need and provide it. Thinking ahead of the game never hurts. Not only will these kinds of tweets enhance your social media game but they will also enhance your rankings as Google places importance on high quality content that is being shared and seen. That’s the secret! With only an allowed 150 characters, you have to be able provide direct, engaging content; and not random jibber that won’t be shared – or worse, seen!  Make sure your tweets have a purpose! Engage and interact, folks.

 Social Media and Rankings

You have the social media part down pat but how does this help your rankings? Great question! It’s a little complex, so listen up. There is no direct connection between a tweet and your Google rankings. However, audience engagement and interaction encourages traffic and contributes to your overall authority. Tweeting your keyword in every status may not put you at the number 1 spot in Google search results, but it will form your audience of what your tweets and content focus on, which will help you get noticed by people who want to see what you’re talking about.. Which is why you’re interested in SEO anyway, right? To get your name out there! It sort of creates a snowball; you tweet, people retweet, visit your site, retweet a link of your content and so on and so forth. It’s the only kind of snowstorm you should be excited for. As a result, Google will recognize that your tweets and content are creating traffic and attention, which are vital components when it comes to ranking higher. Google won’t promote content that no one wants, just like a store won’t sell a computer that is too slow to function in today’s modern world of technology.

 Benefit From The Local Avenue

Whether you’re a local business or not, you should certainly consider those within close proximity to you. Twitter, as well as other social media platforms, are able to target your local market. For example, when you log onto your Twitter account, you probably see recommendations of people to follow that have somewhat to do with your location. This can be a huge benefit to you. Sure, you might be thinking ‘big picture-big globe’ but focusing on the local market will create brand recognition within your local market, and people seem to favor companies and brands within their area because your content is relatable. If you’re selling surf boards in Canada, but are only tweeting to those in California, you may want to start providing content for Canadians who need to get away on a vacation to go surfing. It takes a bit of a creative angle to find a way to engage your local audience, but it is absolutely do-able within every niche. While it all may seem a little vague because there is no direct connection between your tweets and your Google rankings, you can see that there is a connection that improves your online presence. You want to reach the maximum level of engagement and traffic, and by completely ignoring the new agreement that Google and Twitter have re-established, you aren’t allowing your brand to do that. Create high quality content that your audience wants, and watch the snowball effect work its wonders, and never stop at one tweet. Social media is about

Do you need to upload a document?

Without utilizing SEO practices on your website, you’re selling your success short. Google is basically the God of the Internet as they have completely transformed the online marketing industry with their consistent algorithm updates, tactics and tools used to engage viewership and traffic to your website. Now, the thing that surprises many people is that there are 2 different kinds of SEO; onsite SEO(content) and offsite SEO (link building) – and between the two, there is on that is taking the spotlight as one of the most significant marketing practices.

 What’s the Big Deal?

While Google is constantly changing what’s the ‘best practice’ in the industry, SEO as a whole has always remained on top; alternating between onsite and offsite. Currently though, onsite SEO has taken the lead which means that you should be putting the link building lower on your priority list and placing higher importance on content put on the front page of the site. Offsite SEO comes with a lot of penalties, and ways to take advantage of the tools which is likely why it is taking a seat in the passenger side. By Google raising importance on Onsite SEO, they can eliminate those individuals out there who manipulate the rules and regulations to get higher rankings, and reward those who genuinely practice Google’s online marketing regimes.

 The Tips & Tricks

It is no secret that you can spend hours on end optimizing your website to coincide with Onsite SEO, without seeing a huge change in traffic and ultimately, the success of your website. This is because there are two kinds of people who utilize this industry-winning marketing regime; those who understand SEO, and those who really don’t. Of course, you want to be the prior to ensure that your invested time is well worth it in the end.

 The Power of Keywords:

You cannot go too far with Onsite SEO without knowing your keywords. You need to know what people are searching online for, and with that, you are able to create content formed around what people want; making your website a valuable source of information. So, start your SEO practices by determining what your website is talking about, and how people are going to go about finding such information; or in other words, what will they type into the search engine to find the content you are offering. Those are keywords.

 What’s Your Content Say:

Once you have your keywords down and have implemented them into your content, naturally (super vital), you need to make sure that your content is saying exactly what people are looking for. Does your content answer the questions of the keywords? For example; if you have a travel website and use the keyword ‘things to do’ but never actually answer the question, your SEO marketing game isn’t on point. It all goes back to utilizing keywords naturally while also providing the audience with what they’re looking for. A better example is to think about company website pages, such as a ‘service’ page. While the website may list the services, the actual keyword isn’t necessarily being used appropriately, thus, not actually working. To enhance the use of keywords and also answer the desires of the audience, the company will create individual pages for each service provided. It just elaborates the content. Some other important places to input your keyword(s) include; the title, meta description, headings, and image alt tags. Again, just be sure to input the keywords naturally.

 Keep It Speedy

One major component of Onsite SEO is the speed of your website and many people completely ignore this issue that can drastically decrease your Google ranking and SEO status. It’s not brain science though; when a site runs slow, people are less likely to use it as it isn’t as fulfilling. Use a website like to ensure that your loading times are sufficient; not only for your audience and Google, but for your own success as well. Another vital thing to look for on your website is error pages; as that certainly puts the speed of your website and audience at a halt. Log into your Webmaster Tools and see if any of your pages have 404 errors. Many people have no idea that they’re site is full of dead ends, and Google isn’t a fan.


The rules of Google Onsite SEO may change frequently, but they’re extremely easy to follow and the benefits are incredible and will thoroughly increase your ranking and overall success of your site. Now, if you have considered manipulating the rules to enhance your SEO rankings, think again. Google is the God of the Internet again; and they will find any faults and penalize your website accordingly. Stick to these simple and easy to apply tips and your marketing regime will be smooth sailing.

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Forget the car salesmen tactics because things have changed within the industry that will significantly improve your business as a marketer; as long as you’re utilizing the newfound information, that is. Previously, marketing tactics have continued to be fairly straight forward for years, but with the modern world of technology quickly taking over every industry, things have now drastically changed. In fact, modern marketing doesn’t really have too much to do with the traditional ways. The practices are completely innovative, revitalized and enthused with technological practices that were rarely, if ever, used before. While some choose to stick with the traditional, immature marketing route, one must first know that adapting to the maturer change can bring a compelling increase in revenue as well as much more. Whether you’re a company looking for a marketing guru, or a marketer yourself, it’s time to get modernized.

What is Modern Marketing?

Data drives success in today’s world of business. With every click reported, link added, keyword text used and photos implemented into your company, you are utilizing modern marketing. As such, many of the core marketing tactics such as data management, analytics and targeting have been revitalized to fit the technological changes. Everything is tracked and sent back to the company, and as a result, they are then able to analyze the statistics to narrow in on key factors that will improve the business overall, such as targeting audience, search words and devices used to access your information.  Now, business strategy experience and traditional marketing brand management still remain at the top of the list for being two of the most important business tactics, but data analysis takes a close third. However, data analysis is a key component in the first two mentioned, and for this sole reason, one might say that it deserves the number one spot. Regardless, all are vital in modern marketing, as.

The Results from Modern Marketing

With all of that said, you may be wondering what you can expect with the changes of modern marketing. By hiring or being a mature modern marketer, you’re able to certainly improve revenue growth, and this is accomplished in a variety of ways. The majority of companies who took on modern markers said that they received an impressive marketing share and approximately half also said that they enjoyed the leading position. In regards to the workplace, approximately 1/4th modern marketers received national recognition as one of the best places to work. This is certainly exposure that comes with exponential benefits on all sides. As for the targeting and customer understanding, more than half of the companies used data analytics to gather techniques to find their major audience. The most astonishing number is that more than 3/4th of the companies utilizing modern marketing tactics agreed that by finding their newfound targeted audience, they were able to address specific situations, audiences, and needs were met accordingly which definitely results in a much higher customer appreciation as well. When it came to adjusting to the tools of today’s style of marketing, more than half successfully combined their data management.

Is the Additional Work Worth It?

If you don’t have the answer to that already by reading the previous statistics, then yes, the additional work is certainly worth it.  While the benefits are obvious, marketers who transitioned to more modern marketing practices, specific to targeting, conversation, data and engagement,  saw positive business results.  Increased sales were one of the primary benefits, and streamlined profitability closely followed. So, not only did these companies receive higher sales, but they also achieved consistent growth by utilizing mature marketing as they were able to better focus on strategies that worked specifically for their audience and niche.  All of this was determined by utilizing data analytics.


Modern marketing does take more time to implement, but the potential and growth that follows is worth the time. The old ways of marketing just aren’t cutting it in this world of technology. Now, instead of thinking that you know your audience, or what they want; you can utilize modern marketing strategies and allow the tools to show you exactly what you need to know to further your business as a whole.


Statistics based from Eloqua’s Research.

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The power of SEO has taken over the industry, and despite being able to read an overload of articles pertaining to this subject online, SEO really isn’t all that simple. In fact, it’s risky business that is super complex, and that also comes with a variety of factors to be concerned about. This might even be the very reason why you have not yet indulged into the world of backlinks, keywords and the rest of the jargon that surrounds search engine optimization this far. While some fully entertain this modern day way of marketing, and others are a bit more hesitant. In order to determine whether it’s truly the correct path for you and your business, there are some things you must know.

The Constant Upgrades

So, you decided to take the SEO plunge and invested a significant (and possibly grueling) amount of time to get your website Google savvy, but the end is far from near. Google is consistently changing the rules surrounding SEO, and if you’re not up to date with the latest guidelines, you risk losing your rank in the search engines and it could even result in a red flag from the internet God itself.

The Trouble of the Text

That’s also not to mention that there are a variety of search engine rules that are hard-to-follow and that also have a lot of gray area that simply isn’t covered. The confusion will be almost unbearable for someone who is only starting to get into SEO now. Your marketing degree may not do much for you unless it’s catered to the future. The SEO guidelines are full of text that is troubling and the jargon is near-impossible to understand, and as any SEOer knows, if you aren’t following the guidelines precisely, you aren’t gaining the benefits of investing in this marketing tool.

You Aren’t Guaranteed Anything

Even if you are to fully understand the current guidelines that Google has put out there (since it’s always changing), you still aren’t guaranteed anything at all. This is another risk that you take on when investing time and money into utilizing SEO practices. You put forth an incredible amount of effort to learn all about SEO, and even more to input the rules into your website, but all of that may not result in any benefit to you. While one may argue that very little comes with a guarantee within the business world, we should remind you that there are online marketing tools that guarantee results, such as AdWords which is a service in which you pay a dollar, you are likely to receive a couple of clicks. The results are also fairly instantaneous.

The Gray Area of the Guarantee

Google itself has even warned people of any SEO services that offer a guarantee, but this is a huge contradiction because SEO is said to guarantee better rankings. Confused? Join the club. Now, let’s go back to hiring an SEO company since this is an avenue many people explore. That company still can’t predict what changes Google will make in the future.  Thus, they can’t guarantee that, despite their best efforts and work, that it’ll do anything for you, and you could be left completely redoing everything you just paid for, and likely will due to the never-ending-changes. A reputable company should inform you of these factors as well.

Random Results

So, let’s say that you still decide to do the SEO thing. You’ve done your research, you understand the rules and have implemented them correctly, and understand that there is no guaranteed results, but you still feel like it’s the correct solution for your business’ marketing plan. You should expect to not have results anytime soon. SEO takes time, right from the beginning to the invisible end. It’s a long term marketing strategy that could work, but not necessarily for everyone or at all. Rankings may not also get you leads, or sales. It’ll get you higher ranked in search engines but it isn’t going to get you anywhere without clicks or calls to your business to purchase your goods and/or services.

While there is a higher risk when taking on the SEO strategy, it also comes with higher benefits… if it works. Our suggestion to you is to dip your feet into the online marketing industry before diving in head first. This will allow you to decrease your risk of putting forth time, effort and funds without any sort of outcome; or positive one, rather. If you don’t understand the complexity of SEO, it won’t ever work for you. Educate yourself first, and then move forward because with SEO, there are some risks.


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If you loved the Android brand before, you’re about to have your gamer thumbs, channel-changing fingers shake with excitement because 2015 is bringing a whole new era of technology. Currently, Android offers a variety of gadgets available for the car, on your wrist, in your hands and soon enough, things are going to be taking to the big screen. The most recent development is the Android TV, which was recently showcased in Las Vegas at the Consumer Electronics Show, and what you’re about to hear should have you excited for what’s in store for television in 2015.

Get Plugged In This Spring

As of this Spring, major television brands such as Sony, Philips, Sharp and ToP Visions will start to ship out systems that are powered by Android TV specifically. The benefit of purchasing one is that the device is already set up and enthused with the Android capabilities. So, there is no need for you to plug in anything extra; and we all know that the maze of cords behind your entertainment system is driving you insane. That’s not the only way Android TV is going to make your life more simple though. The remote control that comes with the Android TV allows you to access everything from TV to movies, games, shows and even your apps that you’ve downloaded. Soda Crush on the big screen, anyone? More importantly, you can finally clear your coffee table of 5 different remotes! One of the coolest features is that you can find everything you want with the voice search feature.  Gone are the days of channel-flicking; or rather, guide-page flipping.  Life is getting simpler with Android TV.

Not With The Current

If you don’t have an Android TV or feel the need or have the financial means to purchase one, it isn’t bad news for you either. Android has you covered. You can actually purchase a gaming console from Razer that is already powered by Android TV.This will allow you to get in on all the action without having to purchase an entire new TV. The high-performance specs of Razer’s Forge TV will provide you with that astonishing picture Android devices are highly recognized for, whether you’re playing the latest GTA, catching up on your reality TV, or busting some candy in Candy Crush. You will also receive a wireless game controller with this system, and can even stream your PC games right onto the TV itself.  Again, simple living is a huge bonus of getting your hands on this tech device. Huawei is another company working to bring more features to the Android TV by adding a steaming media player, but this won’t be ready until later in the year.

A Simpler Life

Back in 2008, the Android was debuted as they launched a phone, and a couple of years later, the brand is collaborating with a variety of TV partners to even further the consumer’s experience utilizing their flawless and innovative features. It just keeps getting better, and the options get even more vast. Even the Android TV comes in a variety of different screen sizes, all that include 4K displays, to ensure that everyone can get their hands on the latest gadget. Android isn’t just a tech brand, but a way to make life easier for you to enjoy. This is probably why it has become as popular as it has today.

2015 is looking pretty good in regards to technology, and your soon-to-be less complex life. You basically get it all in one device which is the current trend of technology; allowing you to do it all with one device. With the vast evolution of Android products, one might say that this brand is a technology guru. It’s time to start reimagining your living room, folks.

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